“Can you help us design and facilitate a tangible and practice-oriented program that will ensure more result-oriented collaboration between and within our teams, helping us as an organization transition from a culture of talking to one of doing?
ABN AMRO Insurances was looking for a suitable follow-up to a previously initiated trajectory that was deployed to increase awareness on result-oriented work and collaboration. The trajectory had to be practically applicable, connect employees around this theme, and provide a genuine and tangible handle on how to achieve result-oriented collaboration from one’s own role.
used the Lencioni Pyramid as the theoretical framework and support of the tangible program. Within this, three central streams existed: communication to convey the message, a digital learning to bring everyone’s knowledge to the same level, and a team cycle to truly work together. The daily practice of managers and employees played a central role in shaping the different segments, allowing for their immediate integration within these roles.
Using several targeted sessions, managers were prepared to run through the team cycle with their own team. Teams were given access to a team toolkit featuring various interventions that they could use. A zero measurement was specifically directed at their challenges in terms of result-oriented work/collaboration. After the first cycle, teams were able to set up and run through the next cycle on their own.
The Lencioni Pyramid can be used as a theoretical framework to generate insight into where a team’s challenges lie. The tangible tools help managers work on result-oriented work/collaboration and move from talking to doing. The team toolkit with tailor-made interventions is often used by teams to improve their result-orientedness. The zero and subsequent measurements showed that the various interventions contributed to increasing awareness of the strategy and result-oriented work/collaboration, and that employees were able to apply this in their own role.
Bedrijfspand de Pionier
Grebbeberglaan 15
3527 VX Utrecht
Het Klokgebouw
Klokgebouw 210
5617 AC Eindhoven
Achtergrond: phD in Human Resource Management en Organizational Behavior. Master Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie
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