Lamers Installations

From DNA to rock-solid employer brand

The challenge

Lamers Installations is growing, but finding talented professionals was proving to be a challenge. They turned to us with the question whether we could help them position themselves as a rock-solid employer for technical talent. Of course we could!

Lamers Installations provides high-quality engineering and installation solutions. For the company, professionals are an indispensable link to growth. Working together with Lamers Installations, we developed a distinctive campaign to improve the company’s standing on the labor market, so that the right candidates would know how to find them.

Our fresh perspective

Employer Value Proposition

When they approached us, Lamers Installations were unclear how they wanted to be seen as an employer by potential talent. After extensive research, involving employees and customers, we mapped out how Lamers is currently being perceived, thus determining their Employer Value Proposition. These insights formed the backbone of the distinctive employer brand.

Lamers Installations
Lamers Installations

Distinctive concept

Using the knowledge we obtained from our preliminary research, we developed a distinctive campaign under the heading “Connect Now” – a denominator perfectly aligned with Lamers Installations’ DNA. The catchy slogan ‘it flows through our veins’ plays on the passion that Lamers Installations look for in their people and winks at the distribution systems they work with every day. The campaign embraces their candidate’s journey – from first encountering the Lamers Installations name while driving or through an online advertisement, to their job application. The website, which contains the core values of the company, employee stories, and job vacancies, is the in-depth centerpiece of this journey.

Perfect cooperation

Our cooperation with Lamers Installations was simply amazing. Although this theme, process, and way of working were completely new to Lamers, that did not detract from the chemistry between us. The common denominator in our collaboration was clearly a shared passion for entrepreneurship – evident from the short lines in communication and the capacity to rapidly switch gears and make quick decisions. The final campaign is the result of genuine co-creation.

Lamers Installations
Lamers Installations

Indispensable employer brand

The employer brand is now rock solid. Featuring both on- and offline elements, a golden mix of channels and resources has been in place since October 2023. These include images on Lamers Installations’ vans, street signs, banners at technical schools and trade fairs, the use of all popular social media, Google Ads, and a new website.

Lamers Installations

“Frisse Blikken did a great job of challenging us to think about who we are as an employer and what kind of talent we want to attract. The team guided us through this process, which was new to us. We’re incredibly happy with the result.”


In brief 🧺

In brief 🧺

Our team

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Digital Movement ‘Dare to be Digital’

From DNA to rock-solid employer brand

Game-changing employer branding: a personality test

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Inez Lommen

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Achtergrond: phD in Human Resource Management en Organizational Behavior. Master Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie

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