Support us with the setup and optimization of our strategic portfolio management.
Which change projects are we going to work on? Which are most impactful? And which projects will we skip? Joost
temporarily supported NS with their portfolio management.
In multidisciplinary teams, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), the Netherlands’ principal railway operator, is working on innovating its digital services. Almost every change requires an IT solution.
But which changes are most important? Which require immediate action? Which are best postponed? And which should be skipped entirely?
At NS, a group of strategists is responsible for the portfolio process. Together, they discuss and prioritize all change projects. There were many ideas to improve this process, but the capacity to act on them was lacking.
Our Fresh Force, Joost, became part of NS’ strategy team. In this role, he didn’t have just one foot, but both feet, in the organization. By joining them in their work, he became increasingly familiar with the portfolio process. He kept the process running and supported all involved parties by making sure they had all the information they needed.
Change means taking action! From his role within operations, Joost started to optimize the portfolio process. He identified areas of improvement from within the organization, pinpointed opportunities, and ensured their implementation. The result? After several months, the portfolio process has become a lot less time-consuming. On top of this, the improvements Joost has implemented help NS to make the right choices and justify them.
“I truly became part of NS. In my free time, I can often be heard sprinkling my environment with NS facts. For example, did you know that Platform A is always in the direction of Amsterdam?”
Curious about how we will work on your challenge? Leave us a message. You will hear from us soon!
Bedrijfspand de Pionier
Grebbeberglaan 15
3527 VX Utrecht
Het Klokgebouw
Klokgebouw 210
5617 AC Eindhoven
Achtergrond: phD in Human Resource Management en Organizational Behavior. Master Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie
Mijn verborgen talent is… Sportgerelateerde vragen in een pubquiz beantwoorden.
Met dit nummer begint mijn weekend: Tash Sultana – Jungle
Als ik later groot ben dan… Heb ik een bedrijf dat mensen helpt om hun leven leuker te maken.